all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 2AA 1 0 51.7897 -3.929249
SA18 2AB 12 0 51.807051 -3.909638
SA18 2AD 1 0 51.798824 -3.932177
SA18 2AE 16 0 51.800723 -3.935318
SA18 2AF 18 0 51.80123 -3.938951
SA18 2AG 1 0 51.798318 -3.938855
SA18 2AH 34 0 51.801308 -3.936387
SA18 2AJ 3 0 51.80886 -3.93159
SA18 2AL 39 0 51.806212 -3.913099
SA18 2AN 52 0 51.801974 -3.936329
SA18 2AP 8 0 51.807705 -3.932919
SA18 2AQ 1 0 51.809559 -3.946349
SA18 2AR 27 0 51.807839 -3.933491
SA18 2AS 11 0 51.794522 -3.970292
SA18 2AT 14 0 51.806427 -3.91482
SA18 2AU 2 0 51.808383 -3.932575
SA18 2AW 29 0 51.807172 -3.932393
SA18 2AX 14 0 51.808071 -3.922635
SA18 2AY 33 0 51.80789 -3.931476
SA18 2BA 14 0 51.807271 -3.931309